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Jewelry Care Tips

Discover our diverse range of jewelry crafted from various materials, each accompanied by care instructions to ensure your pieces maintain their luster over time. As a general practice, remove your jewelry during activities like gardening, crafting, or washing dishes. Store each piece separately, preferably in soft bags within your jewelry box, and minimize contact with other metallic objects to prevent scratches (e.g., keys, coins). Enjoy the enduring beauty of your jewelry with these simple care tips.

Gold Plating: To preserve the brilliance of gold-plated jewellery, avoid exposure to harsh chemicals, perfumes, and lotions. Remove before swimming or engaging in vigorous activities, and gently clean with a soft cloth.

Sterling Silver: Shield your sterling silver pieces from tarnishing by storing them in airtight containers when not in use. Regularly polish them with a silver cleaning cloth to maintain their lustre. Avoid exposure to humidity and harsh chemicals.

Stainless Steel: Stainless steel jewellery is durable and resistant, but it benefits from regular cleaning to maintain its shine. Use mild soap and water, and dry thoroughly to prevent water spots. Avoid abrasive cleaners to prevent scratching.

Pearls: Preserve the lustre of pearls by keeping them away from perfumes, hairsprays, and cosmetics. Wipe gently with a soft, damp cloth after each wear to remove oils and debris. Store pearls separately to prevent scratches.

Coloured Gemstones: Different gemstones require specific care. Generally, avoid exposing them to harsh chemicals and high temperatures. Clean them with a soft, damp cloth, and store them in individual pouches to prevent scratching.

Crystals: Clean crystals with a soft, lint-free cloth to maintain their sparkle. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight for extended periods. Store them in a cushioned container to prevent chips and scratches.